woensdag 13 mei 2009

Promoting new writing and reading for children

Cristy Burne and the runner-up, Ruth Paterson.

The Francis Lincoln Diverse Voice Children’s Book Award is an attempt to promote new writing for children, especially by or about people whose culture and voice are currently under-represented.
Children need to learn about the lives and concerns of others, and reading seems a very good way to achieve that in the classroom or at home .Learn to connect with classmates whose lives experience are very different from the one’s they have. Reading is fun and children can learn a lot about themselves and others. The world is made of all sorts of children and the diversity will contribute to social and cultural tolerance.


I had no idea that people in Britain did not read books about other cultures. If you go down in the article and read the comments of the people some of them are very aggressive. I think that you should read what you like and be open to other cultures. The world is made of people and children and the diversity is what makes the human species successful. Why should you not give children the chance to learn about other cultures and people without seeing any color? Teach children to read about other so they have a better understating of the world we live in.

1 opmerking:

  1. What a great initiative! I do think it is strange indeed that people in Britain are not reading books about other cultures? I believe that is mandatory!
