The Royal Mint is marking the 500 year anniversary of King Henry VIII’s reign by making a limited edition 5 pounds coin. The “coins are fit for a King” because they are made out of four different materials: platinum, gold, silver and cupro- nickel, so everyone can buy one according to what their wallet allows. The coins will cost between 9 pounds 99 to a whopping 4,400 pounds. The coin will also show the words Rosa Sine Spina, meaning “rose without a thorn”, which featured on coins in 1509. This coin will honor the “love him or hate him" monarch that is famous for having been married six times and his very large appetite.

It looks like a very nice coin. I watched the series "The Tudors" and it gave met the chance to learn about Henry VIII. He was very young when he became the King of England and made a lot of mistakes. He changed the history of England forever and reinvented the church. As Thomas More said in The Tudors, “When the lion knows his own strength no man can stop hem” and that is what happened after Henry VIII realized that he was the King and that people had to listen to him. A lot of people were killed because they did not want to accept that Henry VIII was the King and the head of the Church.